Where is Ideastep Insoles located?

Xiamen KON Technology Co., Ltd. is situated in a convenient place which does not just reduces our price per unit but also boosts the orderly development of our firm. Please visit the “Contact Us” page for information. The adhesive foam sheets producer’s address is influenced by the form of product substance used, manufacturing and production expenses. The transport here is convenient, and we warmly welcome clients to see our company and factory.

Ideastep Insoles has grown into a sizeable company in the domestic market. Our years of solid development in manufacturing running insoles has been paid off. heel inserts produced by Ideastep Insoles is very popular in the market. Ideastep athletic insoles has been tested complying with quality parameters. They are colorfastness, flammability, seam strength, size-change, and seam-twisting. It is available in different colors such as white and black. This product ensures safety in its use. The materials used for it contain no harmful chemicals that make for unsafe conditions. It is highly praised by famous brands such as FILA and New Balance.

At the heart of our company are employees and values. We encourage our valuable and talented team to work for the company’s goals based on quality, delivery, and service. Get info!